Wednesday 22 September 2021

sound bath meditation tips

 We know that the latest data from the World Health Organization's Global Burden Disease (2017) ranks it among the top 5 diseases in the world.

sound bath meditation tips

I am not afraid to say that I am suffering from both No. 1 and No. 5. I also know that these diseases and disorders are somewhat preventable. We hear it all the time like a broken record - changing your lifestyle, exercising regularly, finding ways to manage your stress and adopting a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables.

But when my team and I came across this
sound bath meditation tips

new product called Holy Sacred Healing System (SSHS) to improve our health through voice, we were worried and skeptical! The basis of SSHS is that we can all achieve good health results through our audio, which includes medical frequencies, sound, vibration, and guided meditation.

We had many questions that we needed answers to.

sound bath meditation tips

Sound really helps improve our health and if it does, then how does it really work? Is it relevant to health? Is it just another balloon product that promises the world but offers nothing but disappointment? We decided to keep an open mind and set out to do some of our own research!

What we have started is what we really know about chronic stress and what it does to our system. We know that when our bodies and minds are overloaded with stress it is reflected in our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

When we don't deal well with our stress and strains, it affects:

Unresolved frustrations and tensions caused by our relationship manifest in ineffective communication methods

Our mental well-being because we feel angry, frustrated or unhappy with ourselves for what we get

Our bodies have our immune system, digestive system disturbed and increased risk of heart attack and stroke (ever wondering why you are at higher risk for colds when you are running down, or the prevalence of ulcers when you have chronic stress or even A running heartbeat that is hard to slow down when you need to meet those ridiculous deadlines at work?)

sound bath meditation tips

Similar to vibroacoustic therapy (developed by Olav Skille, a Norwegian teacher and physician), the Cymatic therapy of SSHS is related to the field of vibration therapy. Frequency and vibration in SSHS are considered to invoke relaxation and stimulate physical function to improve our health. Research shows that vibration positively affects bodily functions such as blood pressure, pulse and respiration. And because human tissue is an energy system, if there is an impediment to the flow of energy, it can lead to tissue health due to tissue disease.

So how do frequencies and vibrations affect our organs and our energy flow?

Research also shows that vibration helps us:

      1. Heart to pump blood
      2. Nerves from the brain and to send electrical signals
      3. Gastrointestinal tract to push food through the stomach
      4. Blood vessels to promote blood flow in the body
      5. So, with this knowledge and our back research, we set out to try the new sacred sound treatment system.

What do you find in the sacred sound treatment system?

sound bath meditation tips

Here's what you can find in the Sacred Sound Treatment System: 

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    1. Source text required for additional translation information
    2. Send feedback
    3. Side panels
    4. Divine Closing Ceremony
    5. Heart Awakening Ceremony
    6. Whole body healing function
    7. Shamanic plant therapy function
    8. And they also included bonuses:

Gift 1: Miracle Sleep Solutions
Gift 2: 5 minute meditation series

Here are some pros and cons we have come up with!


Audio Length: Audio lengths are about 10 minutes so we don't have to spend a portion of our time listening to them.

Speed ​​of guided meditation: Guided meditation 'has space in motion. It gives us time to realize what we are doing and the sensations. We are not hurried through it nor are we left with feelings of dead air that wander our minds.

Ease of use: We tested the app for both website and audio. They are both easy to use and visually stunning which instantly brings a sense of calm. Ahhh

Instant Access: We like that it's easily accessible. In any case, we know that instant gratification is not always a good thing, it is far more beneficial to take action to improve our lives.

It works: we felt really calm and felt a lot more clarity in our minds. This is probably due to the deep relaxation we felt during the audio and is due to the guidance we need to go and hug!

-0 days money back guarantee: This is a great time limit as it gives us enough time to try it out. The fact that there is a money back guarantee after 60 days shows us that the creators are confident in their product.


Availability: Products are only available online. You need a computer or a mobile phone and an internet connection to order or download the product. The good news is, creators are able to provide us (like bonus tracks) by keeping costs down.

Voice on tracks: We tried audio through speakers and through headphones and ear buds (Bose voice cancellation, Apple Air pods, Samsung ear buds and generic ear phones). We found that having earphones was better than listening to tracks on the speaker because the sound was a little louder. Listen to the track on the speaker with earphones for best results.

The result

Theprimary  result of SSHS seems to be a deep state of relaxation. This deep relaxation response is known to be beneficial for reducing pain and symptoms,
sound bath meditation tips
  • stress, headaches, fatigue, nausea and depression.
  • We definitely feel relief in our shoulders and neck, which causes us to experience a lot of tension headaches. Guided meditation helps us to relax all those tense muscles that we normally do not pay attention to. The nausea that caused some of us to become comfortable with stressful headaches and eventually we were just in a good state of mind.

The guiding voices in these audios are great for our wandering minds. When we find it difficult to relax our body, our brain goes into overdrive and puts reasons why our body cannot relax. With guided meditation, we can focus and direct our thoughts so that we can truly be “in the present moment”.

After trying for full days0 days, we were able to deal with situations better through a calm state of mind. In return we felt more energetic, more relaxed and happy! We also begin to appreciate our bodies more and this led us to learn how to take better care of our body behavior. We all noticed that we were in more “tune” and I definitely noticed my ability to slow down my fast heartbeat.

Do we recommend it?

Yes, but be prepared. You need to be disciplined and listen to the audio every day. Anyway we felt good immediately after listening to the two tracks, we saw great results when we gave a full -0 day effort. Just as you can’t expect to lose weight after 2 days of eating healthy food, you can’t expect healing after two days of listening to audio.

Give it a try and see how good you feel.

Whatever you want to do, make friends. Do you know what will happen to you tomorrow? What to do today?